Study visit “Boosting youth participation at the local level 2” took place from 25th – 30th October 2021, in Stockholm, Sweden. It was the second study visit of this project, preceded by Study visit to Granada, Spain that took place from 1st-6th March 2020.

Both Study visit gathered youth workers and municipality officers from 11 European countries, including Sweden, Portugal, Greece, Finland, North Macedonia, Spain, UK, Latvia, Poland, Turkey and Italy.

During our Study visit to Stockholm we visited various organisations such as Rädda Barnens Ungdomsförbund, Stiftelsen The Global Village, FRYSHUSET, LSU – Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer and learned about different practices for engaging young people in decision-making processes and explored the challenges that young migrants and young people with a migrant background face in accessing those spaces of participation.

The Study visit to Granada brought us insights of how young people from geographically isolated areas are involved in decision-making processes. We visited Diputación de Granada (province government) and discovered many interesting local practices such as Juventudes Socialistas and Café feminista, Participatory Budget of Municipality of Peligros, Municipal Youth Council, Fridays For Future, Inventaciones and others.

The objectives of the Study visits were to:

  • explore, experience and understand the specific challenges to youth participation in decision-making process, with a specific focus on young people in geographically isolated ares, young migrants and young people with a migrant background;
  • visit examples of good practice and based upon interaction with the project organisations and filter out elements to transfer to own reality;
  • offer possibilities for long-term partnership building among organisations active in the field of youth participation at local level, for future projects;
  • create a collection of best practices of participation of young migrants and young people with a migrant background.

Study visits “Boosting youth participation at the local level 2” were organized by DYPALL Network, Folk till Folk and Las Niñas del Tul, funded by the Erasmus + Programme through MUCF (Swedish National Agency).

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