JUGEND für Europa – Call for participants for Training “Get up, Stand up!” JUGEND für Europa launches the call for participants to the Training Course “Get up, Stand up! A training course on democracy and active citizenship in the field of youth work” 19-24.05.2017 | Bonn, Germany Deadline : 09 April 2017 The Get Up, Stand Up! training course explores the complexity of democracy and active citizenship in youth work. It aims at transforming reflections into actions for youth participation. Democracy and active citizenship work on different levels – community, organizational, national and European. Understanding this is the first step to be an active member in a democratic society. The Get up, Stand up! TC will explore how youth workers can reflect upon and change their practices, in order to empower young people to take a stand for their future and shape their societies. The training course has the following objectives: ● To increase the understanding of the concepts of democracy and active citizenship. ● To explore how individual beliefs and values influence youth workers’ educational approach. ● To explore the challenge of being an educator in complex and ambiguous times. ● To understand how promoting democracy and active citizenship can lead to active participation of young people. ● To explore the opportunities of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme to better support active citizenship among young people. The training course will create the conditions to: ● Better support young people to explore the dimensions of active citizenship in democratic contexts ● Face ambiguity, complexity and responsibility which come along with being an active member of the society ● Experience how approaches like Betzavta [democracy and peace education] and Human Rights Education work within the topic of the TC ● Know about good practices related to active participation in the field of youth work ● Explore different tools for more active participation. Read the draft programme and follow the application procedure in the SALTO page of the Conference