xr:d:DAF-pDoVreQ:3,j:2781393489551947878,t:24030512 [CALL FOR MEMBERS] Advisory Group on Youth Engagement Call DYPALL Network is searching for members of the Advisory Group on Youth Engagement under the “Climbing the Ladder: fostering a culture of Youth Engagement (CL-YE)” project. The project addresses the need for effective and meaningful structures, mechanisms and spaces for the active engagement of young people in policy-making and decision-making processes at local, regional, national and European levels. The aim is to explore what kind of means, resources and opportunities already exist, how those could be improved and how new initiatives and mechanisms of youth engagement could be developed, through a participatory process. The advisory group is asked to give suggestions and feedback on the outputs of the project. The advisors shall be consulted on already available data or material, including draft versions of the planned outputs, and can be invited to share resources and practices based on their personal and professional experience. The advisory group should be composed of a diverse group of young people, youth workers, researchers, trainers and policymakers. It should count on 12 members (half of which are going to be young people with relevant experience) to pursue its mission of supporting the consortium in planning, researching and delivering the main project outputs. You can find more information in the call for members. If you are interested, please apply by Sunday,17th March 2024 (23:59 CET).