Consultative meeting “The climate crisis, young people and democracy”

The climate crisis is an issue that affects everyone and needs rapid responses worldwide, but it is the young people and future generations, who will be impacted the most if we do not assess these problems. This week DYPALL Network took part in a consultative meeting „The climate crisis, young people and democracy,” organised by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The meeting took place on 16-18th February 2021 and connected over 60 stakeholders and experts on youth and climate crisis: activists, youth workers and leaders, young activists, members of Joint Council on Youth, national experts and researchers on climate change, youth participation and democracy.

The aim of the meeting was:

  • to reflect on the impact of climate change on the lives of young people in relation to the right to a healthy environment
  • to showcase existing practices and explore challenges for youth participation to impact political actions on the climate crisis
  • to address intersections between the climate crisis and other issues including human rights, democracy, migration, health etc…
  • to discuss and explore youth policy responses to the climate crisis
  • to discuss approaches and actions for taking into account environmental issues in youth policy and programmes

The outcomes of the meeting will contribute to the work of the Task Force of the Joint Council on Youth and set up the foundation for the upcoming steps and future work of the Youth Department on the topic. More information about this initiative is to be found here.

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