9th Steering Group Meeting The 9th Steering Group (SG) Meeting of DYPALL Network was held between 4 to 6 January 2017, in Riga, Latvia. The meeting was an opportunity to remark and assess 2016’s achievements, to review and work on 2017 Work Plan, to share the best practices from the different network members and to discuss the network’s priorities for the future ahead. While working on identifying which main projects to apply for 2017, new European frameworks on youth participation (stakeholders priorities and opportunities for DYPALL) were also taken into account. Membership criteria, enlargement and the renewal of the SG were also on the table and three main priorities were singled out: continuing growing the network, creation of products and addressing social entrepreneurship as a part of young people’s lives. As a European Network, we focus on building a platform to reach local public authorities and civil society working on youth participation at local level.