Participation Forum 2024: Advancing Democratic Participation Through Erasmus+ andEuropean Solidarity Corps


On 27 and 28 November 2024, DYPALL Network participated in the Participation Forum 2024, in Tallin, Estonia – a key event aimed at fostering dialogue and reflection on the role of Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps in promoting democratic participation and civic engagement. The forum brought together 150 participants, including representatives from Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps National Agencies, civil society organisations, and EU

The forum provided a structured opportunity to assess the progress of the programmes at their mid-term and explore strategies for enhancing their impact on democratic participation, civic engagement, and the promotion of shared European values. Discussions were centred on how these programmes contribute to active citizenship and engage young people and organisations in democratic processes at local, national, and European levels.

Participants engaged in panel discussions and workshops, which highlighted both achievements and areas for improvement in the programmes’ implementation. The event also provided a collaborative space for exchanging good practices and innovative approaches to strengthening participation as well as get familiar with the Youth Participation Strategy.

A central focus of the forum was the creation of recommendations for National Agencies, civil society organisations, and the SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre. These recommendations aim to align efforts and resources more effectively to achieve the shared goal of fostering active participation in democratic life.

This event was organized by SALTO Participation & Information.

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