
Explore the activities we organise to engage young people in local governance and decision-making. Our programs include workshops, training sessions, and community projects designed to empower youth and address their needs.






Positive feedbacks

What the participants say

“Having worked with migrants for over three years, I already had some knowledge of many tools. However, the training was crucial in helping me connect these tools, establish clear steps, and identify issues and solutions more effectively.”


from "Migrant Youth Friendly Cities" training course

"It was an event of building partnerships, but also the beginning of friendships. It ended with two applications to KA1 done, so congratulations to us all!"

Patrícia Matos Gil – Portugal

Partnership Building Activity (PBA) “Youth participation for sustainable local democracies”

“I think that all 30 participants received a lot from this activity, both the skills demonstrated and also the great examples of facilitators that we had present.”


from Study Session "Youth Democracy Academy"

"During a productive week, I could participate not only in the vibrant DYPALL Network's PBA, but also in the international conference on today's challenges of democracy. This experience will bring new partnerships and projects to tackle the challenges of youth participation.''

Harry Tsatryan – Germany

Winter Democracy Academy

Activity reports

Study visit – Boosting youth participation at the local level 3

Boosting youth participation at the local level 3

This report presents the Study visit held in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, as part of the “Boosting youth participation at the local level 3” project. The activity allowed the exchange of good practices and tools for boosting youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level, enabling youth workers and municipality officers to gather together and observe specific projects designed by and for young people to improve their participation in the local realities.

Study visit – Welcoming Cities: Good practices of Participation of Youngsters with a migrant background

Welcoming Cities: Good practices of Participation of Youngsters with a migrant background

The Study Visit aimed to acknowledge good participation practices in decision-making for young migrants or with a migrant background, discussing obstacles and prospects. This activity contributed to a better understanding of participants on how to support the integration and participation of young migrants and migrants from a migrant background even more efficiently.

Youth policies for better local democracies

Youth policies for better local democracies

This study visit to Belgium was an opportunity to visit and get inspired by the work of various municipalities and organisations in Flanders and Wallonia and learn about their practices and approaches to youth participation in decision-making at the local level.

International Partnership for Youth (IP4Youth)

International Partnership to Support Youth Initiatives (IP4YI)

The Training course focused on increase the participants’ skills and knowledge to support young people in being more active in their local community. It is part of the project “International Partnership to support Youth Initiative” which involve four partners organizations from Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain.

Building synergies for stronger local democracies

Building synergies for stronger local democracies

This Partnership Building Activity was dedicated to the members and prospective partners of DYPALL Network. Its main aim was to build sustainable partnerships and future projects in the area of youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level, taking into account the upcoming Erasmus+ deadlines.

Kick-off seminar: Local Youth Councils at International Scale

Local youth councils at international scale

Almost 70 participants from 24 countries joined this 2-days online launching conference of the project “Local Youth Council at International Scale” and shared their ideas and knowledge in the area of local youth councils.

Digital participation tools for youth engagement in local governance

Digital Participation Tools

Digital tools can be used to support the already existing structures and processes of youth participation or incentivize e-participation in online environments or a combination of both that can be complementary. This Conference was a space for some of the tools collected for a study to be presented to municipality representatives. The Conference gathered various Belgian municipalities active in the youth policies and focused on fostering their practices and approaches to youngsters through a more digital and sustainable way.

Quality Assurance in Local Youth Councils

Quality Assurance in Local Youth Councils

A space for the development of competencies, dialogue and sharing of experiences among the participants who are interested in developing their knowledge regarding the implementation of local youth councils.

North-South Cooperation for Local Youth Participation

North-South Cooperation for Local Youth Participation

Improving cooperation and building strong and resilient partnerships between Civil Society Organizations and Municipalities from countries in the north and in the south of Europe whose core work is fostering youth participation.

Building Resilient Communities, Youth Work at Municipality Level during COVID-19 times

DYPALL Network

The COVID-19 pandemic, which brought about one of the worst crises in recent history, was accompanied by unprecedented challenges to youth work, demanding organizations to adjust their intervention to respond to the new challenges that young people face(d). This event aimed to represent a vital platform for youth and municipality workers all around Europe to come together, learn and discuss new tools and practices to improve youth work at the municipality level during and after times of COVID-19 and better understand how to engage youth and increase youth participation in times of urgency.