Phygital youth participation – Digital innovation for stronger local democracies

The project aims to build a bridge between young people and local decision-making, creating a unique phygital tool, blending physical and digital experiences, for municipalities to gather youth perspectives. Through interactive tools and training for youth workers, the project fosters engaging youth participation in public policy. Real-world testing will refine the tool for lasting impact,… Continue reading Phygital youth participation – Digital innovation for stronger local democracies

Digital Participation Tools for youth engagement in local governance

Throughout the project, the consortium worked on researching and collecting best practice examples of digital tools that enable youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level. These tools were gathered from all around Europe, not limited only to the countries that partner organisations are coming from, in order to ensure diversity and quality of… Continue reading Digital Participation Tools for youth engagement in local governance

S.M.A.R.T. Youth Center

The project aims to support and empower youth workers, develop the digital skills of participants, and design and implement digital youth activities that will lead to the professional development of participants while at the same time they can be applied to any other form of education and training that is digitally implemented. The idea behind… Continue reading S.M.A.R.T. Youth Center


The project aims to offer possibilities for youth workers and youth organisations to involve new digital methods and tools for providing youth work activities. In today’s world, most of the time young people are spending is online. Most of the organisations are providing their regular annual activities outdoors or indoors on the local level. Low… Continue reading Game+