Youth Workers 2.0

Source: Erasmus+ KA2 The booklet aims to provide youth workers with resources and good practices in the field of ICT, improving their knowledge of usage of different digital tools and making them understand what kind of skills are needed in different contexts.

Toolkit for multipliers – Youth Democracy Academy

Source: DYPALL Network The toolkit aims at giving multipliers all the tools needed in order to create a succesfull GOTV campaign within the Youth Democracy Academy project. In particular, the toolkit contains: European Union Factsheet, Facilitation Toolkit, Campaign Initiatives and Resources.

Youth & Political Parties: Toolkit for Youth Friendly Politics in Europe

Source: European Youth Forum The study includes a number of concrete recommendations on what political parties can do to improve their appeal among young people, and improve youth turnout in the elections. It can serve as a toolkit for political parties that wish to be better at including young people, promoting youth interests, and campaigning… Continue reading Youth & Political Parties: Toolkit for Youth Friendly Politics in Europe