Boosting Youth Participation at Local Level | ed. 2

The project consists of two Study visits and it will give the opportunity to youth workers and municipality officers to come together to develop a more concrete definition of challenges of youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level and to visualize possible solutions starting from practices currently implemented that they will visit in Sweden and Spain, realities very different one from another. The Study visits will be hosted in Stockholm (Sweden) and Granada (Spain), offering an authentic experience of Swedish, Spanish and various migrant cultures through interactions and partnerships with the local community, both of which are very multicultural.


  • DYPALL Network, Portugal
  • Folk til folk, Sweden
  • Biedriba “Aktivai sabiedriabai”, Latvia
  • Center for Intercultural Dialogue, North Macedonia
  • Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej, Poland
  • Las Ninãs del Tul, Spain
  • Puntland r.y., Finland
  • Ubele initiative, UK
  • United society of Balkans, Greece
  • Youth Coop, Portugal


  • 31/1/2021 – 31/07/2022


Erasmus +