Munícipio de Portimão

Munícipio de Portimão – Órgão de Administração Pública Local que integra a Divisão de Desporto e Juventude, Unidade Orgânica com responsabilidade nas Politicas de Juventude

University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research

UCILeR’s understands that Law can make a transversal contribution, being essential for social cohesion and coexistence between people, as well as for the construction of normative frameworks that fairly pursue sustainable development. UCILeR’s research proposal is based on reflecting on contemporary problems and the ways in which they can be legally resolved, either in the… Continue reading University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research

Câmara Municipal do Fundão

Fundão as a municipality in the center of Portugal, threatened by depopulation, but with a strong and determined smart territorial innovation and youth strategy, has created an innovation ecosystem that is a reference in Portugal, attracting, IT companies, youth organizations and a serious mobility regional HUB, generating start-ups, and supporting hundreds of projects, while investing… Continue reading Câmara Municipal do Fundão