DJHT- Call for participants for Conference “europe@DJHT”

DJHT launches the call for participants to the Conference “europe@DJHT – Creating a social and fair Europe for all young people” 27-30 March 2017 | Düsseldorf, Germany Deadline: 22 January 2017 What is DJHT? Every three to four years, the German Child and Youth Welfare Congress (DJHT) provides a central meeting place for Germany’s youth… Continue reading DJHT- Call for participants for Conference “europe@DJHT”

Call for youth delegates to the CLRA

Call for application for young people to take part in the 32nd and 33rd sessions of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe 26-30 March and 16-20 October 2017 | Strasbourg France Deadline: 17 January 2017 In the framework of the Congress’ initiative “Rejuvenating politics”, the Congress of Local and Regional… Continue reading Call for youth delegates to the CLRA

Call for expertise in the field of youth research

Call for expertise in the field of youth research: on the policy, legal and operational framework of youth work on municipal level in a European and national context of member states Deadline: 23 December 2016   JINT vzw, the coordinating office of the project called “EUROPE GOES LOCAL – Supporting youth work on municipal level”… Continue reading Call for expertise in the field of youth research


The 3rd edition of the free massive open online course (MOOC) about Erasmus+ Funding Opportunities for Youth starts today! Laimonas and Nerijus, the facilitators of this MOOC will guide you through this exciting learning journey. More than 3000 participants enrolled to learn at the course by now and groups of learners is still growing. During this course you will… Continue reading ONLINE COURSE ON ERASMUS + FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH

Online course of the European Committee of the Regions starts in one week!

The free massive open online course (MOOC) of the European Committee of the Regions will start on Monday 31st October 2016! Are you ready?  The content of the course will be released on a weekly basis – in this way, the content of Module 1 will be available from Week 1, and remain available from… Continue reading Online course of the European Committee of the Regions starts in one week!

International Democracy Day 2016

The international community decided to dedicate September 15 to Democracy world-wide, as an opportunity to review the state of democracy in the world and to emphasize that the ideal of democracy shall be made into a reality to be enjoyed by everyone, everywhere, with the full participation of governing bodies and civil society. As every day, DYPALL… Continue reading International Democracy Day 2016

International Youth Day 2016

Today is the mark of the 16th International Youth Day! If it was a teen, in many countries, the 2016 International Youth Day could start voting… But voting is only one way of participating. For DYPALL Network, involvement starts at local level, in our community, where young people live, study, work, play…and participate! Happy International Youth Day!