Conference “Digital Participation Tools for Youth Engagement in Local Governance” DYPALL Network launched the Study “Digital Participation Tools for Youth Engagement in Local Governance” at the international conference on 2nd June 2022 in Antwerp, Belgium. The Study is a collection of digital tools and practices for local youth participation in decision-making processes from Belgium, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy and around Europe. The Conference was a space… Continue reading Conference “Digital Participation Tools for Youth Engagement in Local Governance”
Final conference of the project “Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe” (Ljubljana, Slovenia) On the 2-3 June in Ljubljana, Slovenia, DYPALL Network took part in the final conference of the project “Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe” (MiCreate) where almost 80 researchers from all over Europe had a chance to share the outcomes of their research on the inclusiveness of migrant children. It was also an… Continue reading Final conference of the project “Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe” (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Final conference of the project “Management systems of coworking spaces for social innovation” On the 23-26.05 DYPALL Network took part in the final meeting and conference of the project “Management Systems of Coworking Spaces for Social Innovation”. During the conference, project partners shared good practices and practical tools mapped during the project, under the following topics: Boosting learning potential of coworking spaces Young people and coworking spaces –… Continue reading Final conference of the project “Management systems of coworking spaces for social innovation”
“Quality Assurance in Local Youth Councils” Training Course The “Quality Assurance in Local Youth Councils” Training Course took place from 2nd to 8th May 2022 in Portimão, Portugal. Municipality officers, decision-makers and youth leaders from Belgium, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, and Portugal gathered to learn and explore ways in which they can develop and improve local youth councils or equivalent structures of youth participation.… Continue reading “Quality Assurance in Local Youth Councils” Training Course
S.M.A.R.T. YOUTH CENTRE – KICK-OFF MEETING in Athens, Greece On the 28th and 29th of March, DYPALL Network was in Athens, Greece, for the kick-off meeting of the project “S.M.A.R.T. Youth Centre”. S.M.A.R.T. is a 24-month Strategic Partnership involving 8 partners from 6 different European countries – IRTEA, which is the coordinator, BOLT and Change Your Life Now from Greece, DYPALL Network from Portugal,… Continue reading S.M.A.R.T. YOUTH CENTRE – KICK-OFF MEETING in Athens, Greece
Partnership Building Activity “Gamestorming: Gamification in Youth Information” in Barcelona Between 14th and 20th November representatives of DYPALL Network participated in a Partnership Building Activity “Gamestorming: Gamification in Youth Information,” which took place in Barcelona (Spain) and was organised by La Vibria Intercultural under the Erasmus+ Programme. The activity hosted 35 participants and was a great opportunity to network and build interesting partnerships with organisations… Continue reading Partnership Building Activity “Gamestorming: Gamification in Youth Information” in Barcelona
Training of trainers “Community Challengers: Towards sustainable & climate-smart communities through Arts & Social Entrepreneurship“ The training of trainers for youth workers and educators organised under a project “Community Challengers: Towards sustainable & climate-smart communities through Arts & Social Entrepreneurship“ took place from 7th – 13th of November 2021 in Portimão (Portugal) and it was organised by DYPALL Network. Twelve youth workers and trainers from the six participating countries had… Continue reading Training of trainers “Community Challengers: Towards sustainable & climate-smart communities through Arts & Social Entrepreneurship“
Fostering a Culture of Participation: Mainstreaming Local Youth Councils in Europe – 1st Transnational Project Meeting The first in-person Transnational Project Meeting of the project “Fostering a Culture of Participation: Mainstreaming Local Youth Councils in Europe” took place on the 18th-19th of October. The meeting was hosted by Comune di Collegno in Collegno (Italy) and gave the opportunity for project partners to get to know each other and exchange the different models… Continue reading Fostering a Culture of Participation: Mainstreaming Local Youth Councils in Europe – 1st Transnational Project Meeting
[CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS] Meta-University 2021: Networking, capacity building and peer learning in youth sector Join the Meta-University 2021 between 19-22 October 2021 for online networking, capacity building and peer learning among youth workers, youth policy makers and organisations active in the youth field. The Meta-University is a new initiative created by the Global YOUth with the purpose to keep working on youth cooperation and youth participation in… Continue reading [CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS] Meta-University 2021: Networking, capacity building and peer learning in youth sector
Training course “Youth centres – Models of participation and management” Training course took place from 27th September – 3rd of October in Bilbao, Spain, organized by DYPALL Network in cooperation with Novisi Elkartea. Youth workers and municipality officers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey explored the topic of co-management of youth centers with young people. The Training course, was based on… Continue reading Training course “Youth centres – Models of participation and management”