a member

Who can become a member of DYPALL Network

(Civil Society Organisations)
Local Authorities
Research Institutions

As a member, you’ll be a part of a European family of different stakeholders (CSOs, local authorities and research institutions) with the same aim of developing youth participation at the local level.

Here are some benefits you’ll enjoy as a member of DYPALL Network.

Expertise and knowledge sharing

Have exclusive access to useful resources and valuable knowledge on youth participation at the local level

Networking opportunities

Opportunity to participate in our international activities

Influence policy and practice

Opportunity to participate in research and receive the outcomes

Capacity building

Access to training programs and capacity-building workshops to strengthen the skills and capabilities of staff and volunteers

Partnership opportunities

Access to a network of potential partners

European-wide visibility

Get support in the dissemination of project results through our website and newsletter

How to become a member?


Check the Membership Policy

To become a member of DYPALL Network, start by downloading the Membership Policy, and read it carefully.

Membership Policy

Fill out the application form

The application process is continuously open; however, applications are evaluated every three months. (January/April/July/October).

Application form

Welcome to DYPALL Network!

Your application will go through an internal evaluation. We will keep you informed of the status of your application.

What our members say

Migrafrica gGmbH – Germany

“DYPALL Network is the motor behind projects that aimed at youth participation specially in decision making areas. We focus on migrant young people and DYPALL Network provided us with methods, tools, mechanisms, partnerships, resources and more.”

Bataljong – Belgium

“It’s been great working together with DYPALL. They’ve been involved in greatly innovative projects and have so many partners to collaborate with. The exchange of information has always been very inspiring.”

Center for Intercultural Dialogue – CID – North Macedonia

“For us, DYPALL Network is a synonym for excellent connection and cooperation of young people and local self-governments, engagement of the diverse group of youngsters and greater example of applying the green policies.”

Umbrella – Georgia

“It’s a unique network that links local authorities and youth organisations working on participation. We (Umbrella) as a member took part in several initiatives and gained invaluable experience for our grassroots youth work.”

Asociación Las Niñas del Tul – Spain

“Being part of the DYPALL Network has allowed us to meet new organizations working in our field, discover together new forms of youth participation and develop valuable development opportunities.”

Europe4Youth- Poland

“DYPALL’s international projects, along with Europe4Youth projects having DYPALL as a partner, and numerous online opportunities from online networking meetings to informative tutorials, have been fruitful and planted seeds for many beautiful initiatives.”